Welcome Aboard

FY2023 in many ways, was a come-back year for Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA), demonstrated by steady growth in both ridership and revenue. We carried over 921,000 passengers, resulting in revenue of $23 million—a 30 percent increase from the previous year. As we navigated a post-pandemic landscape, the influx of new riders discovering the ease and convenience of rail travel, coupled with returning passengers, offered encouragement and showcased a positive trajectory.

In major project news, we secured a significant $42.51 million Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Award from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to complete Phase 1 of the Sacramento to Roseville Third Track project. This grant represents the first federal investment in our service since 2009 and the first expansion of it since 2006. Upon its completion in 2029, we anticipate the ability to run two additional roundtrips between Sacramento and Roseville.

FY2023 Year-in-Review, featuring new Chair Robert Raburn and Managing Director Rob Padgette

Capitol Corridor remains committed to growth, with ongoing capacity expansion projects. We aggressively promoted Levi’s Stadium event trains along the entire route, and remained mindful to help reduce harmful air emissions by transitioning our fleet to renewable diesel. As our service continues to rebound, we look forward to welcoming both new and returning riders on board our trains. For additional highlights from FY2023, we invite you to explore our videos featuring messages from our new Board Chair, Robert Raburn, Vice Board Chair Bruce Houdesheldt, and Managing Director Rob Padgette.

25 Years of Results
















REVENUE $20,240,000




On-Time Performance

Overall Satisfaction

“I rely on Capitol Corridor for work and leisure. Thank you for providing this public transit option!”

Ticket Purchase

83% Internet & Mobile
13% At Stations
4% Other

Top 3 City Pairs

Sacramento – Emeryville
Sacramento – Oakland
Sacramento – Richmond

Busiest Trains

Train 538
Train 527
Train 541

Ticket Type – FY23

Rider Profile – FY23

Service Levels

Capitol Corridor service levels remained steady since October 3, 2022, with a schedule change that restored weekend service to pre-pandemic levels and added more weekday service.

Travel Modes to Station

“I think it’s a great service. The ride is beautiful and it’s very comfortable and clean, and the price is great for seniors.”

Engaging Community through Video

We continued to explore the use of videos to engage our various audiences in FY2023. We produced webinars (Corridor Conversations) and promotional videos (featuring 49er Arik Armstead) and ramped up our social media strategies when we added our presence on the popular channel, TikTok. The social media metrics have demonstrated that we are reaching younger demographics interested in train travel.

Arik Armstead Supports Train Ridership

Learn More About Corridor Conversations Here

“I find it convenient to travel alone and not depend on someone to drive to visit friends.”

Customer Experience and Promotions

Here at Capitol Corridor, we are always looking for ways to enhance the overall customer experience. As our ridership continued to increase, exciting promotions were added in FY2023 to attract new riders and further engage returning ones to Capitol Corridor service. Many took advantage of the new promotions and existing ones.



This popular promotion—buy one ticket and take up to 5 additional people for $5/each way—was a hit with riders traveling on the Levi’s Stadium event trains.


This offer ran Fall 2022 through Winter 2023, riders were able to buy one full-fare ticket for travel aboard Capitol Corridor and get a free companion fare.


This California Every Day Discount offers seniors 62 years of age and older a 15 percent discount on train travel.


Through this California Every Day Discount, students age 13-25 are eligible to receive a 15 percent.

Capitol Corridor Event Trains to Levi’s Stadium

Event trains to Levi’s Stadium took center stage in FY2023 and exceeded ridership expectations, with over 9,500 passengers traveling to concerts and San Francisco 49er games throughout the football season and concert series. These highly publicized events garnered substantial media attention, which raised awareness of Capitol Corridor service and the convenience of train travel to/from these events. The success of these special trains was heightened by an aggressive marketing communications plan. This comprehensive strategy included media interviews, videos, onboard promotions, press releases, blogs, and social media campaigns. Collectively, these efforts contributed significantly to the overall success of the events.

Café Car Specials

In FY2023, seasonal Café Car favorites reigned featuring House Wine for Pride Month, specialty drinks throughout the 49ers football season, while carefully selected food items, such as the return of the Cheese Pretzel, were added to the menu.

“love the Tap2Ride connect option…”

“love the Tap2Ride connect option…”


Across the country, the momentum for support of rail-related improvement projects continued in FY2023. We sought and secured state and federal funding during the fiscal year to further advance the multitude of rail projects along our corridor. These new and existing capital projects will ultimately enhance the customer experience in the near and not too distant future.

Tap2Ride Contactless Fare Payment

Another significant way to help ensure the short and-long-term success of Capitol Corridor is by incorporating innovative technology. In FY2023, we stepped into the world of contactless fare payment as part of the California Integrated Travel Program (Cal-ITP). Called Tap2Ride, a limited pilot open to customers who opted to test the system,

Capitol Corridor’s program allowed customers to pay for a transit ride similar to the way they pay for other purchases and services. After applying lessons learned from the pilot, CCJPA expects to expand the pilot reach until all aspects of Capitol Corridor travel can be supported via contactless payments.

First Federal Investment for Capitol Corridor Service in More than a Decade

On September 29, 2023, at a press conference at the Roseville station, CCJPA officially announced it had received a $42.51 million (CRISI) Grant Award by the (FRA) to complete Phase 1 of the Sacramento to Roseville Third Track project.

We were delighted by the tremendous turnout and honored that Federal Railroad Deputy Administrator Jennifer Mitchell was on hand to make the announcement. Others in attendance included officials from Union Pacific Railroad (UP), Peggy Ygbuhay, a representative from Congresswoman Doris O. Matsui’s office, State Senator Niello, Vice Chair CCJPA Board, Mayor of Roseville, and Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, Bruce Houdesheldt, and many Placer County elected officials and business associations. All joined in the celebration of the first federal investment in our service since 2009 and the first expansion of the service since 2006.

Roseville, California Mayor Bruce Houdesheldt

When the capital improvements are completed in 2029, we will be able to run two additional roundtrips between Sacramento and Roseville. We’re excited to bring train riders of Placer County more frequencies and better connections, and we thank all our partners for their ongoing support of this project.


California Integrated Ticketing

Program: California Integrated Travel Program (Cal-ITP) Funding -Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP)

CCJPA is fiscally and programmatically sponsoring a California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and Caltrans-led multi-agency initiative to research, develop, and implement the California Integrated Travel Program (Cal-ITP) that will enable California residents and visitors to plan and pay (and receive discounts if eligible) for travel across multiple modes of transportation, including bus, metro, light and intercity rail, paratransit, bike hire, and ride-hailing services in California.

2016 Case study of European models of integration and fare policies

2018 Cal-ITP forum for sharing lessons learned

2019 Team assembled to build framework for comprehensive Cal-ITP

2021 First trials of Eurocard/Mastercard/Visa payment and General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) programmatic support launched

2022 GTFS program expanded, and automated discount eligibility trials launched for age and student discounts

2023 Launch of CCJPA trial, payment integration with other mobility systems, and Minimum Viable Product expansion in the Sacramento area and other transit operators around the state

Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) Modernization

Funding Source: SRA

The existing PIDS was designed and implemented in the early 2000s, and both software and hardware have been in use without major upgrades since then. The PIDS Modernization project will implement a new CalPIDS with new software and hardware that improves upon the functionalities of existing PIDS. The project also involves implementation of a upgraded data network at Capitol Corridor stations and delivery of a current GTFS-real time feed showing real-time location and status of Capitol Corridor trains.

Key milestones:

2020 Software development began

2023 Software continues testing and validation, including GTFS-real time feed. Station equipment installations begin.

2024 New CalPIDS expected to begin operation

Sacramento-Roseville Third Track Service Expansion Project

Funding: TIRCP, Prop 1A, Prop 1B

With the addition of a third railroad track between Sacramento and Roseville, the Capitol Corridor will be able to increase the number of trains operated between these two stations. An overnight train layover/servicing facility will also be a part of the project.

Key milestones:

2015 Environmental phase complete

2016 Awarded $87M from TIRCP, Prop 1A and 1B towards project design and construction

2021 25 percent percent design complete

2022 30 percent percent design complete

2023 Awarded $42.51M through federal (CRISI) funds

2024 Phase one design to be complete

2025 Phase one construction to begin

South Bay Connect

Funding Source: TIRCP

South Bay Connect proposes to relocate Capitol Corridor service between Oakland Coliseum and Newark from the current route on the Union Pacific (UP) Niles Subdivision to the UP Coast Subdivision, which could save up to 13 minutes of travel time between Oakland and San Jose. The project also proposes to build a new train station in Fremont/Newark (adjacent to existing Ardenwood Park & Ride) to facilitate new transbay transit connections for Capitol Corridor passengers between the East Bay and the San Francisco Peninsula, an underserved market for Capitol Corridor service.

Key milestones:

2019 Project definition report completed

2020 Environmental documentation and review process initiated with Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

2022 Continued work on environmental documentation and preliminary design

2024 Draft EIR expected to be released and Final EIR expected to be adopted by CCJPA Board

2027 Construction expected to begin

2030 Construction expected to finish and project operational

State Route (SR) 84 Intermodal Bus Facility

Funding Source: TIRCP

As a companion project to South Bay Connect, the SR-84 Intermodal Bus Facility would enhance the multimodal transit connection at the proposed new Ardenwood train station. The facility would add westbound and eastbound bus stop platforms on SR-84, allowing transbay buses and shuttles to pick-up and drop-off passengers from the Park-and-Ride and Ardenwood train station at the elevated highway level. This will reduce bus and shuttle travel time, especially when traffic is congested since they would no longer need to enter and exit the Park-and-Ride at the surface level. From the elevated highway level bus platforms, passengers would take elevators or stairs down to a pedestrian pathway to the future Capitol Corridor train station and Park-and-Ride facility. This project is being planned and designed with Caltrans District 4.

Key milestones:

2021 Required Caltrans Documentation developed

2022 CEQA/NEPA Environmental documentation and review process initiated

2022 Design documentation commences

2025 Draft EIR document expected to be released for public review

2026 Final EIR document expected to conclude

Link21 Program

Funding: TIRCP, Annual State Supplemental (San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) Measure RR, Regional Measure 3 (RM3)) Allocation

Link21 is working with CalSTA and other agency partners to transform Northern California's passenger rail network into a faster, more integrated system, providing safe, efficient, and affordable travel. At the core of Link21 is a new transbay passenger rail crossing between Oakland and San Francisco, as well as other improvements to the BART and the regional rail network, which includes Capitol Corridor and other operators. These improvements will make rail travel more attractive and reliable and provide better access to jobs and housing in the Northern California Megaregion.

Key milestones:

2019 Funding awarded to survey project impact on employers and workforce demands

2020 Hired staff dedicated to managing project, embarked on 21-county market analysis

2021 Renamed program Link21, launched website, Bay Area Council Economic Institute issues report on a new rail crossing’s benefit to the Megaregion, conducted two rounds of outreach with priority populations and the general public

2022 CCJPA and BART Boards adopted program Vision, Goals, Objectives and approved the continuation of program development (Stage Gate 1)

2023 $11.3M in funding awarded from CalSTA’s TRlCP

2024 Define initial project for environmental phase

2028 Begin design / project delivery phase

2039 New crossing opens for revenue service

Carquinez High Level Crossing Studies

Funding Source: TIRCP and future funding

The lifting of the current Benicia-Martinez Rail Bridge is a source of ongoing delays and causes trains to get out of slot. Any expansion of Capitol Corridor service between Oakland and Sacramento would be limited by the nature of the current lift bridge and how the waterway is used for marine traffic. The two-part study began the process of establishing and narrowing down to four roughly viable alternatives for high-level (non-lift) rail bridge options across the Carquinez strait. The second part of the study is prioritizing engineering feasibility of the four viable alternatives, with the best one(s) that can be the basis of future project development phases.

Key milestones:

2021 Developed funding package and initial studies scope

2022 Examine feasible and viable high-level options via a study – phase one

2023 Narrow options via a deeper study and present options to leadership at CCJPA and CalSTA – phase two

2024 Fund project development phases in environmental and initial design

Agnew Siding

Funding: State Rail Assistance (SRA), TIRCP

This project creates a new place for trains to meet and pass south of the Great America Station, easing train congestion in the South Bay. Occasionally, trains that need to meet in this single-track segment are subject to as much as 30 minutes of delay. Construction of this new siding will reduce those delays by half.

2019 Final design started

2023 Utility relocation under way

2024 Final project design to be completed

2025 Construction to begin

Davis Station Improvement Project

Funding: Public Transportation Account (PTA), SRA, CCJPA Revenue Above Budget

CCJPA is collaborating with Amtrak and Union Pacific for track and signal upgrades. This is the first phase of a larger future project of improvement initiatives at Davis Station that will improve safety and ADA access with a center island platform and restore access to the neighborhood east of the station.

2019 $4M committed for track and signal upgrades

2021 Platform replacement design kickoff

2023 Develop concepts for station reconstruction

2024 Track and signal design completion

2026 Platform replacement begins

Current CCJPA Board Members

To contact them, please reach out to their respective agencies.

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Debora Allen
Bevan Dufty
Janice Li
Robert Raburn – Chair
Rebecca Saltzman

Placer County Transportation Planning Agency
Jim Holmes
Bruce Houdesheldt – Vice Chair
Alice Dowdin Cavillo (alt.)

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Sudhanshu Jain
Omar Torres

Sacramento Regional Transit District
Bret Daniels
Caity Maple
Sean Loloee (alt.)
Patrick Kennedy (alt.)

Yolo County Transportation District
Josh Chapman
Lucas Frerichs
Tom Stallard (alt.)

Solano Transportation Authority
Steve Bird
Alma Hernandez
Robert McConnell (alt.)